
Kauai: The Return Trip

In the morning we checked out and Kirby drove us to the Kilauea food mart before she went to run some errands. As we said our good-byes she gave each of us a giant hug and said, "It's so nice to have such young and adventurous people like yourselves stay with us. I wish you two lots of luck!"

When we got back to Lihue, we went to Wal-mart and Hilo Hatties to get our tourist stuff. I got leis for all the girls and shell necklaces for all the boys up in Fairbanks. I also purchased T-shirts for my mom and dad and a shot glass for my brother.

We walked to the airport and began our journey back to Alaska.

The interisland flight was extremely frustrating because it left half an hour late and when we arrived in Honolulu we had to wait an additional 20 minutes before being allowed to de-plane because we were waiting for someone to bring the bridge up to the exit door. By the time we made it to the gate of our next flight it had just begun boarding.