
Acadia: Rain, Rain

 Awoke to the sound of a steady drizzle.  Very tired.  We fired up the camp stove for a hot breakfast and then paid a rain-soaked visit to the Wild Gardens of Acadia exhibit garden.  We saw a couple of frogs, and we were saddened by the sight of a sign that read “please do not throw rocks at our friendly frogs”.

Next, we visited a few shops in the posh-er Northeast Harbor, picked up coffee in Somesville again, and had a quiet picnic at Pretty Marsh and browsed for shells on the beach.  Saw a few tiny crabs the size of spiders.

On a whim we did the very damp Beech and Canada Cliffs trails.  There weren’t any vantage-point views to be had but the plants and fungi were fascinating.  We closed our circuit of Mt. Desert Island by returning to Bar Harbor where we had excellent cocktails for happy hour followed by a delicious dinner at Galyns.  I am resolved to learn how to make hot buttered rum and Hans wants to learn how to make blueberry cosmopolitans.  Hans finished the evening with yummy maple walnut ice cream.

We came back to our campsite to find the tent full of water from the day’s fog.  Poor Hans’ sleeping bag was soaked and mine fairly damp.  Very grumpy bedtime.

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