
Road Trip: River Roads

Yesterday Hans and I spent the day in Pine Island, Minnesota, catching up with my sister and her kids.  It had been four years since we'd last seen her (since our wedding!) so there were plenty of stories to exchange.  We had lunch/dinner at a local cafe with excellent food (and creme brule) and followed that with attending my nephew's baseball game, which his team won after the final and very dramatic and exciting innings.

Prior to Pine Island Hans and I spent an hour wandering around Winona State campus.  My dad has informed me that my great grandmother's family came to Winona County in the late 1850's from Germany and many of the old Markwardts are still there.  Next time I'm in the area I certainly want to go to the cemeteries and look for some of my ancestors.

We came back to Trempealeau fairly late but I managed to work on the Super-Secret Project while I finished the previous night's bottle of wine.

This afternoon Hans' mom prepared fresh rolls with herbs and vegetables from the garden while Hans and I dug some potatoes for dinner tonight and picked the few ears of corn that were ready-ish.  Watermelons not quite ready yet.

We (Hans' mom and sister, Hans, and I) piled into the car and drove north along the Mississippi, first to Lake Pepin (the river is wide enough to be called a "lake") for a picnic lunch, then up to Stockholm (WI) for a little shopping.

A nice day to visit the lake in one's Porche

The yacht club's marina on the Mississippi...

Our first stop was the nearby Maiden Rock Winery and Cidery.  There was a large selection to sample from, so I stuck to their apple ciders and wines, a few of the meads, and the port.  Hans and I purchased the carbonated hard apple cider and the black mead (fermented with currants and berries for a very hearty and smooth finish).  The mead is definitely going to be stored for a meaty winter meal this year.  The cider will be shared or consumed during the rest of this trip.

We never did find the trebuchet...

Back in Stockholm there were plenty of touristy shops to entertain.  I tried to be good and passed up opportunities for fresh pie or cherry burgundy rum ice cream.  After we split up I found an excellent antique store with wonderful vintage clothing.   They had a black sequined cocktail dress circa 1970's and a baby blue party dress circa 1960's and both were my size!  Fantasies of dressing like Betty Draper floated through my head but I settled on a cameo pin for $10.  I've always wanted one, so I felt like I had scored the deal of the day.  

On the drive back we were all sleepy, but not so much that we could pass up a fried cheese curd stand.

Hans' dad had returned from a fishing trip up in Alaska by the time we got back to the house.  Steak dinner and frivolity over wine.  Super-Secret Project nearly done.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Like the red car perspective of Lake Pepin! I must have been dead tired at night not to notice the super-secret project! ( Ma Weiland)

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