
Friends and Baseball in the Land of the Midnight Sun!

Still jet lagged, we were unable to sleep in very much.  I vaguely remember having a light breakfast in the hotel room from food we picked up at the grocery store last night.  There was an annual classic car show happening on the hotel property, so we woke ourselves by wandering around and looking at the vehicles.  Some of them we'd seen on the drive up from Anchorage.

We met up with Alesha and Dave at the farmers market.  We mostly visited, but Alesha got a couple of cute felted catnip toys to send home for our kitties.  For lunch we met up with Brad and Cass at a relatively new felafel place near campus.  I hadn't had felafel before but I learned that I definitely like it!  We were introduced to HooDoo Brewing, an up-and-coming establishment with a laid-back tasting room.  Their beer was tasty too.

Later we went over to Brad and Cass' place and played a hilarious board game where everyone is a battle bot tasked with a certain trajectory and most of the time you are either blown up, blowing someone else up, or accidentally careening off the board into oblivion.

In the evening everyone met up again for dinner at Silver Gulch out on Goldstream Road.  It was a struggle to stay awake for the Midnight Sun baseball game.  Back at the hotel we watched The Witches on tv in a stupor until it was time to head out again.  Darn time zone differences!

Alesha and Dave met up with us at the game.  I wished it had been a clear evening but the clouds weren't enough to block out the evening twilight.  The panoramic photo of the stadium below was taken at about midnight!  The game was somewhat close for a while but the Goldpanners got the win!

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