
Sherwood Gardens

Tucked away in a very beautiful neighborhood near Johns Hopkins University is a small public garden that is known for its spring bulb display.  We're probably within a week or two of "peak" bulb blooming.  There were a few varieties that would have fit in perfectly at Keukenhoff in The Netherlands.

Hi-res images below:


DC Cherry Blossoms 2019

After a five year hiatus from viewing the cherry blossoms blooming around DC's Tidal Basin I decided it was time for another visit.  The weather gods were having fun as the early morning temperatures hovered barely above freezing.  Only a few days ago we'd enjoyed mid-seventy-degree weather in Baltimore so my shutter fingers were in quite a bit of shock today.

Still, when the skies are clear and the trees are flowering it is one hundred percent worth it to get down to Ohio Drive an hour before dawn.  There's just something fun about running around in the dark with a head lamp on a week day with all of the other kooky photography nuts.

That being said, my fingers froze before I got much use out of the tripod so I didn't end up with many dark sky pictures.  My skills have gotten a bit rusty over the last couple of years and I've been itching to try out my brand new wide angle lens in preparation for our trip to Japan next month!

Note to readers:  At the end of this post there are some high-resolution (1920x1080) pictures available for download, however if any of the other photos catch your eye let me know and I'll email a higher res version to you directly.

There is an area near the FDR memorial that is often home to many nesting starlings



The following pictures are higher resolution (1920x1080)
Feel free to download.  Give credit when applicable.

Cherries comin' atcha!