
Alaska 2022 - Anchorage Old and New

This morning Hans and I were dropped off downtown where I did yet more shopping!  We basically came back from this trip with nearly a whole suitcase full of gifts.  I wanted to look at some older historic sites both notable and notorious - for which I'm still trying to figure out what kind of blog posts I want to write.

Anyway, it was another rainy day with breaks here and there.  We ate lunch (beer battered halibut) at Humpy's and later met Hans' sister at the Anchorage Museum.


Oscar Anderson house (1915), one of the city's oldest homes.  I only ever went inside once during a 1st-3rd grade field trip and I remember back then being told about it's haunted history.

Behind City Hall a mural is replacing an old one that used to depict a mostly non-indigenous timeline of Anchorage.  It was exciting to see the progress of this new one, and the artist (Crystal Worl) was even working on it while we watched!

It's an older colloquialism, but the "lower-48" used to be simply called "outside"

Based on true events, surely ;)

Iconic signs of Fourth Avenue

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