
Europe 2001: Nice

When we arrived in Nice, we were met with the sight of palm trees and the smell of lavender.  Luckily, our hotel had a room ready for us even though we had arrived early.  When we were ready to check out the city, I was began to realize how much I loved Nice already.  The people were friendly, things ran at a slower pace even though everything was bustling with activity, and there were wonderful restaurants everywhere.  Amber and I went to a very nice department store for 2 hours because we were in love with everything.  I bought a few gifts and Amber did too.  We wandered the streets, both of us eyeing the promenade and beach longingly.  We went back to our hotel room to drop our purchases and find Amber a bikini.  After an hour, Amber bought one she liked, and we rushed back to the hotel again to change.  We got to the beach, threw our stuff down, and jumped into the water.  We were swimming in the Mediterranean Sea.  I think we spent 2 1/2 hours there, frolicking and giggling before we went back to the hotel for showers. 

 Later I was moaning for dinner, so we went to a place that we had passed several times during the day.  I had one of the best salads I have ever had in my life.  It was served on a huge plate, pilled high with lettuce, grapefruit, chicken, ham, cheese, olives, nuts, and topped with a light, wonderful dressing.  I inhaled it.  With our tummies full, Amber and I walked to the promenade and watched the sun set.  After it was dark, we went down back to the beach on the water and skipped rocks and sat for about and hour.  We decided to go home, but as we came back to the streets, quite a pleasant surprise met our eyes.  The streets were more alive at night than during the day.  Shops were open, street restaurants were all lit up.  There were musicians and merchants everywhere.  Amber and I stopped to watch a play that was being performed in the street.

Suddenly, there were loud explosions heard, coming from the south, the sea.  All at once, all of the locals hurriedly ran towards the shore.  Caught up in the excitement, we ran too.  When we rounded the next corner we saw a huge display of fireworks.  We climbed to higher ground and watched some of the most magnificent fireworks.  The people were cheering and exclaiming "bravo!" until it was all over.

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