
Anchorage: Leaving Again

It has been a very long journey back. Yesterday was my brother's birthday. In the morning Hans and I went to Earthquake Park and Point Woronzof to wander the beach and take pictures. We tried to coordinate a hike with my brother but due to a severe mix up it ended up just being Hans and I. We made it most of the way up Flat Top but the wind was severe and we didn't care so much about reaching the summit so much as enjoying the view and each other's company. The birthday party was good. Got to see my sister and play games with the guest of honor. The birthday cake I made (yellow cake with butterscotch pudding filling, as requested by the Birthday Boy) went over well. Our friends K&A came over with their new baby for a couple of hours. I was dropped off at the airport later in the evening.

I am resolved to never fly through LAX again if I can help it. My fondness for Salt Lake City grew during my 3-hour layover. I took the netbook to a pub and enjoyed a tall locally-made porter and surfed the internet.

When I got back to St. Louis I still had to stop at REI to pick up a couple of packages (the last thing one wants to do after 18 hours of travel) but I made it back to Cape just after sunset.


Anchorage: Seeing old Friends

Last night I went for dinner with my friend C, who I've known since kindergarten. It has been really nice to be able to catch up with people without feeling rushed. Normally when I go home I feel like I'm pulled in too many directions at once. We also visited with some of her friends at their home and generally enjoyed the evening by talking at watching a little t.v. I went home early, still feeling tired from the weather and the pressures of school that had followed me home.

Today I had brunch with one of my other good friends, K, and we picked up her boyfriend before heading over to the museum to check out the new entrance and galleries. The museum has come a long way and but we felt that $20 was too much given that the special exhibit was pretty small and only about a quarter of the old museum had re-opened. Still, we had a good time.

Hans had finally returned from work-related activities by the time I got home and we went downtown to one of the pubs for a few pints and some food. Despite the chill in the air I was perfectly happy to walk in the rain.


Anchorage: day one and a half

We arrived yesterday afternoon but most of it is a bit of a haze. Hans and I started driving to the airport at a quarter to five in the morning and when we landed at Ted Stevens Int'l Airport it was 5:30 pm Missouri time, or 2:30 pm local time.

My mom picked us up at the airport and we picked up my brother before meeting my dad at the Moose's Tooth. I was already bleary-eyed and foggy when we got there, so the effects of the beer were multiplied twofold. All I could manage when we got home was to drag my bags upstairs and then crash on the couch. Everyone was fairly quiet when I awoke over an hour later. Hans had been downstairs to call his family and Dad and Lance were playing poker quietly while Mom bustled about.

She and I looked at some of my photo albums on Facebook while the others dug into a berry pie and ice cream.

By the time Dad took Lance back to his place Hans and I were ready for bed but after being indoors all day I wanted to go for a walk around the neighborhood for some fresh air. Parts of the neighborhood are shabbier than I remember but there were still plenty of well-kept gardens that got me thinking about what kind of plants would be nice in front of the house before I remembered that I am only here through Saturday night.

Under the gray clouds with small patches of blue the cool air felt wonderful and for the first in a long time my ears hurt from the chill breeze. It was glorious. I am fully aware that I'm over-romanticizing but I have missed this place more than I originally thought.

This morning I was up early and finished the book I began during our flight out of Minneapolis. I am not sure how the time is going to pass this week with everyone busy at work during the day. I certainly have work that can be done but I'd also like to go around town and take some pictures.