
Holiday Vacation: Catching Up

The last few weeks have escaped from me during our vacation, but I've put up three other posts from Christmas and New Years. Hans and I are glad to be going back to our apartment in a few days, but I am also sad to be leaving again. This weekend we had some very nice weather which showed off the effects of New Year's Day's ice fog. The sunrise was cold and clear on Saturday, so Hans and I drove around town to take some pictures.

The Anchorage bowl was pretty in the morning light. We stopped at the Westchester Lagoon overlook. I watched the skaters on the ice and noticed that we were given another day of clear views of Mt. Denali.

Hans indulged my want to skate on the lagoon (I never got a chance to when I lived here) and I put my skates on for the first time in three years. A little unsteady at first, my feet seemed to remember what to do but I was quickly reminded that my legs used to be in much better shape than they are now. I still managed to do a few jumps and spins but I didn't do anything too dramatic, as the ice was fairly bumpy.

The last few days have been spent catching up with old friends over good meals and the occasional board game. This afternoon my mom and I went to an art boutique, not really expecting to find anything, and we each ended up purchasing an art print by the same artist. I hope Hans likes the one I picked out.


Anonymous said...

I miss Alaska so much looking at your beautiful photos!

Anonymous said...

Then come back mom!

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